Wednesday 12 October 2011

 Just found an advert in an old Coatbridge and Airdrie advertisier, 1910:

J. LIzars' cinematograph
 An entertainment unsurpassed. New subjects - Humorous, Scenic,, Sensational, and Moral Pictures - suitable for consorts, soirees, childrens parties.

Are optically and Mechanically first-class Throughout. Full-sized instruments from 25s. Slides 6d per dozen.
101 Buchanan street, Glasgow.

 A cinematograph was a film camera that also acted as a movie projector and a developer. This advert is a little window into the life of Coatbridge in 1910 - there was no local fleapit for the masses to go and watch silent reels yet, so the relatively well off hired them out. Remember, 25 shillings was worth £110 in todays money, back at a time when miners were earning around 30 shillings a week, so this advert is very much an indicator of the class divide in Coatbridge at the time.

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